Fallout (TV Series) / Sheriff Troy / Dir. Frederick Toye / Amazon Studios
The Good Fight / Abe / Dir. Lily Mariye / CBS / Paramount Plus
Unusual Suspects / Trevor / Dir. Robert Wise / Investigation Discovery
Red Noses / Charles Rochfort / Dir. Mark Wing-Davey / Feature Film / NYU Grad Acting
Crazy Kath / Lead / Dir. Paul Kanter / NYU Tisch Grad. Film
He and Rock and Roll / Lead / Dir. Yileu Zhou / Art Center Grad. Thesis
Walk Tall, Swing Easy / Lead / Dir. Mans Reiber / NYFA Grad. Thesis
Rooftop / Lead / Dir. Cheng Gong / NYFA Grad. Thesis
True West / Lee / Dir. Kim Rubinstein / Youngest Brother
American Soil / J. George / Dir. Stevie Walker-Webb / NYU Grad Acting
Burn This / Pale / Dir. Scott Illingworth / NYU Grad Acting
Golden Boy / Tom Moody / Dir. Tazewell Thompson / NYU Grad Acting
Uncle Vanya / Astrov / Dir. Ron Van Lieu / NYU Grad Acting
Antony and Cleopatra / Antony / Dir. Liam Joynt / NYU Grad Acting
A Woman of No Importance / Archdeacon Daubney / Dir. Janet Zarish / NYU Grad Acting
The Little Foxes / Leo & Oscar / Dir. Sarah Blush / NYU Grad Acting
The Agrarian Project / Storyteller / Dir. Guy Delancey / NYU Grad Acting
U.S. Navy Perf. Tour / Joker / Dir. Kelly Pfleider / Pure Praxis
The Dybbuk / Henekh & Menashe / Dir. Joshua Kahan Brody / UCSD
Tonight We Improvise / Mangini / Dir. Gabor Tompa / UCSD
Reasons to be Pretty / Kent / Dir. Eric Hunicutt / UCSD
Casagemas / Malouf / Dir. Kate Jopson / Wagner New Play Fest.
Small Prophecies / Maurice / Dir. Larissa Lury / Baldwin New Play Fest.